Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ear infections and being poor can suck it!

I haven't had a chance to blog... why you ask? Because an ear infection took over my household for a good 4 days... Wednesday Blayne began to just act a little blah and felt a little warm and by wednesday night he was running 101.5 and miserable... I think we saw every hour of the night pass by. I originally thought he had an upper tooth coming in but we took him to the doctor Thursday because during the night he began to kinda tug at his ear and it looked a little gunky. Sure enough he definately had an outer ear infection and he was running 102 his outer ear was so bad she couldn't even see into the inner ear and she pressed on the side of his face by the ear and gunk oozed out... he just screamed... All i could do was hold him and try to put on my big girl face and not just cry with him!! I could literally feel my heart breaking with every tear... Thursday night was no better we were up all night with him...By friday the poor baby had only slept maybe a combined 4 hours... thank goodness our doctor called that morning to check on him and she ended up calling us in some tylenol with codeine... so we all 3 finally got some rest.. Today is sunday and he is much much more alert and happy... still does not want anyone near his ear but the worst is definately over! And as much as his ear infection sucked and broke my heart it made me thankful that that was the worst we have had to deal with... I end up clicking through blogs and make it to these terribly sad blogs about sick babies and I just cry... I cant imagine if I had to watch Blayne suffer day in and day out like some of these parents are forced to do... the thought just hurts so much I cant imagine living it... so yes the ear infection sucked big ol donkey balls but at the end of it all Blayne is alive and healthy and im thankful for that!

Now on to other things... As some may or may not know Travis was laid off earlier in the month... i know what the !?!?! hello dont they know what a smart super nerd he is!?!?! but whatever the company ran out of contracts and thats where we have landed... luckily Travis was studying for a new nerd certification and got it so thats a good thing to have on his resume... but the job search has not gone quite as quickly as we were originally hoping it would go... so we are slowly running out of money and food... ok well its not that bad yet but its not great either! He has had 2 calls about setting up interviews so we are just waiting on that... but I refuse to just sit around so I have an interview Monday for a waitressing job.. now this is obviously not the ideal situation but if thats what it takes to help make some money for my family and make sure that we can pay all of our bills and not get behind then im not above putting my pride aside and going and waiting tables.... ya do what ya gotta do.... now am i praying very hard that Travis gets a job offer this week so I dont have to go past the interviewing part.. OF COURSE... but in the end money is money fool :)
Lets see what else is going on in my world.... well we leave for Italy August 19th... which is like 3 1/2 weeks... I wish I could say how excited I am... but do to the above mentioned money situation im more stressed than anything... i know boohoo stressed about going to Italy

But let's list the positives because I feel guilty for complaining about the negative when i really am a very fortunate person.... Ok lets see Blayne is alive and healthy and kicked ear infections butt... We still have a home and are both able bodied and will do whatever to keep our life... we have the support of family and friends... my hair has been looking awesome lately!
Ok well im going to go do turbo jam in the garage (which its freakin hot in there so I will lose weight just standing in there, ugh i hate sweating though!) Travis and I are on this big working out kick and im really proud of us.. o and hey another positive about being poo (thats right i cant even afford the r) is that we cant afford to eat out! yay! though im really craving some mexican food... dang it.... ok well im just rambling now

ok true story i just looked up and Travis was drinking blaynes pedialyte out of his bottle.... freak... just a little peak into my life

1 comment:

  1. omg lmao. you crack me up. this blog is long long overdue! nerd certification!

    on the serious tip, you are in my thoughts, it is free to hang out (minus the gas)
