Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My big boy is off....

And by that I mean Travis is off to work! Seems like just last week he was sitting home unemployed after a lay off... o wait that was last week!! But seriously Travis got the job at BNSF as some type of nerd engineer I really don't know what he does exactly but it is a job and a good one at that and I am so very proud of him!!! The hiring guy had like 50 resumes called 5 in for interviews and ended up picking Trav... so either he did really well in the interview or he flashed them a boob or something? Hey whatever works though!! And best of all they were more than willing to let him go to Italy right after starting! So we can check that stress factor off the list! I will admit im pretty sad he is gone though. Before he got laid off from his other job he was working from home and going into the office maybe once a week and only for a few hours. And he was with that job for 2 years so I was pretty used to having him around so now im kinda at a loss as to what to do with my day with noone here to chat with all day! I mean don't get me wrong Blayne is great in so many ways but his conversation skills are lacking just a little :) But in the end this will be a great thing for us and im very happy for him and very grateful that we were even able to spend Blayne's first year of life together almost all day everyday.. not many people can say both parents were around 24/7 that first year and I wouldn't trade that for anything and feel very fortunate that it played out that way! Now if we can just get Blayne better everything will be right in the Smith household yet again. We are on week 4 of battling this crap! We went back yesterday and both ears finally look ok but now he has some upper respiratory stuff going on... so we are trying to fight it all off and be 100% before we head off to Italy next week, otherwise he may just have to stay here with Brutis!
I can't believe we are 1 week out from leaving for ITALY!!! Im finally beginning to get excited but I still have so much stuff to get done and im not looking forward to trying to pack everything for a 13month old for a week in another country! I am so very excited for my brother and so proud that he made the jr. olympic baseball team at 13... this will be such a cool experience for him and im glad we get to be a part of it!
Let's seeeeee not much else is going on just gearing up for the trip and trying to get a baby healthy so I guess that is all for now!